a. Mind Mapping Technique For Teaching Writing.
    A mind mapping technique by Troyka 1984 say that there are many techniques that have been developed in the teaching of writing. One of them is mind mapping which can be developed by a teacher in the classroom. This technique is based on the consideration of writing as process and writing focusing on content. Based on process-based approach, writing contains a series of activities, starting from planning, to shapping, to drafting , to revising, to editing, and proofreading.
    Based on this statement, it can be concluded that mind mapping is a strategy to stimulate ideas for an account of personel experience, to build a list of issues , and to prioritize what will be important to write about and mind mapping is very attractive and enjoyable technique for the students in learning to write because it is very simple and easy to gather ideas that can be used to describe real objects.
   Raimes,1983 say that teacher s can apply some enjoyable techniques such as mind mapping and providing pictures in order to make students interested in learning to write.
Based on this statement, it can be concluded that this techniques is very attractive so they can encourage the students’ interest to be more creative in the learning to write.
v  Teaching Procedure of Mind Mapping Techniques.
One of the best techniques to improve the students’ skills in writing is mind mapping. Mind mapping is one of the activities for building student’ vocabulary skill. The combination of mind mapping hopefully can be help student to be better in writing.
For example  is teaching descriptive texts using pictures through mind mapping.
 Rahman Fitriah (2009:67) mentions that there are the procedures of teaching descriptive texts using pictures through mind mapping.

1.      Introduce the students to some adjectivities that can be used to describe people by using clustering/mind mapping.
2.      Give an example of text about people’s description.
3.      Show the picture of a person to the students.
4.      Give students a few minutes to read the text and see the picture.
5.      Let them compare the text and the picture.
6.      Ask them to find three different between the description in the text and the person in the picture.
7.      Show the second picture to the students and ask them to describe the picture in pairs.
8.      Give each of the pictures to each pair of the students and ask them to write a descriptive texts on the basis of the picture.
9.      Ask the students to read what they have written to their partners.
b. Brainstorming Technique For Teaching Writing
Brainstorming is an effective and efficient activity to generate new ideas, thoughts that eventually lead to the solutions of several problems at a time. Brainstorming can be performed in groups or you can do it on you own. Start brainstorming session, when you are refreshed and relaxed to produce ingenious, original and creative ideas. Sit at the table and write down as many ideas on this subject as possible. Do not be afraid to sound silly, write everything that comes to your mind.
The next step is to bind your ideas and to assemble them into several topics, which require more careful investigation. Then jettison all other ideas, especially strange or irrelevant ones. Once you have finished this process you will see that you have come up with the idea which can serve as the starting point for essay writing.

v  Teaching Procedure Brainstorming Technique For Teaching Writing
1. Come up with the existing problem that should be investigated. For many people, the problem has some negative meaning. But here, you should present some facts that should be explored; it does not mean that they have to be negative ones, e.g. "The efficiency of Basic Health Care for Cats".
2. Present it clearly. Every person who reads it should understand what you intend to say.
3. Discover as many solutions and answers to the problem as possible. Do not be shy to express your ideas. You should write down all solutions you have thought of, even if they seem bizarre to you.
4. Select several (approximately five or six) ideas you like best. Set several criteria that give the best answer to the problem. Criteria may start with the word "must" or "should".
5. Score every idea (from one to five, for example) depending on how well it corresponds to the criterion. Once all ideas have been scored, sum up the points.


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